Dear Alice | Interior Design
Dear Alice is an Interior Design podcast brought to you by Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall, the spunky geniuses behind Alice Lane Interior Design. These two ladies break down the highest end of the design and interior fashion world through their beautiful lifestyle approach with a heaping dose of wit and taste.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
In this episode we want to talk about the hurdles that have hit the furniture industry and consumer industry as a whole. And then go into install struggles and how we overcame those - make it light hearted and funny and plus our design services and how we love our clients and their understanding through it all. “We had a life coach come in and speak to us about 5 years ago and she had to release us from all of this trauma and say, ‘You guys were cowboys then.’ and she said, ‘Hurray for failure! That’s how you learn.’” 22:46Gracie wallpaper nightmare 4:13The cool monkey wallpaper 7:25Installing a basement for a celebrity 10:26Sue’s nightmare ink story 16:10Year one of Alice Lane 18:27“I come in and was like, ‘So what do you think? Are we good? Are there any edits you wanna make? Anything you want to add in?’ and she yells up to her husband, who was up in his office and was like, ‘Hey, so-and-so, what do you think?’ and he’s like, ‘Keep the chair. ONE chair.’” 21:36 Letter:

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Today we want to talk about how we like to make our homes feel cozy during these winter months and our favorite layers we like to use to make our homes feel warm and inviting. There are so many warm and welcoming colors to add to your porch, such as pumpkins and velvety plants to match the season. This is the time of year you’re going to get a lot of guests and visitors, so filling up your porch with fun decorations and accessories is a great way to give your home that welcoming, warm touch. We recommend keeping some snips nearby and your eyes open during this season in case you spot some nice yew, or other similar plants to take from nature and enhance not just the visuals in your home, but the smells as well. The porch 1:58The entry 6:46Entry hall table 13:10Layers 15:33Winter or Fall bed 22:08“So that entry hall table, I always have some large books as well. Books that can be seasonal, like some entertaining books. I’ve got one on entertaining and the cover is like a silk, and it’s got this beautiful scene on it, and those warm earth tones look so good, especially at this time of year.” 13:11 Letter:

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
We all have a space that we want to feel roomier. These are some tricks of the trade to create the illusion of a larger space. Everybody’s had a small space before. That starter home or rented space, a dorm room, first apartment, so we have a lot of space expanding tips we want to get into today. Sue tells about what she has done with color in her own home to make the room feel larger by treating the whole room in a uniform colored manner. You’re going to use bigger things than you think you will to make your room look really generous, such as a large rug, lamp, or large art, but make sure to avoid sticking everything up on stilts as too many legs can make your room feel nervous. Color 2:51Changing the color on the ceiling 9:01Scale 12:00Lamps 19:36Mirrors 21:34Chandelier 25:21“So depending on the size of your room, like in the old days the bedrooms were 10x10, right? Nobody’s gonna have a living room this size, but I was gonna say just for the sake of this podcast we’ll say your room is 10x10, I would still get an 8x10 rug. So go big. Do not get a 5x7.” 14:16 Letter:

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
This is something that seems so normal in our lives as we are constantly interviewing our clientele to learn about the way the rhythm of their life goes and then design after that rhythm. We’ve had a client who had their kitchen done and everything was designed and organized according to how she operates in her kitchen, not only making everything look really nice, but it was all very neat and convenient as well. A great way to go about organizing and breaking down your space is by dividing it up into zones according to what you do, such as a place for tea, or a bar, or a place for soft drinks, whatever your ritual may be. We also did a kitchen where we put a little fridge drawer on the other side of the island in order to prevent kids from accessing the main refrigerator and getting in the way of mom while she’s preparing a meal. Recycling and waste 3:48Kitchen example 6:27Tiger Oak example 10:11Kitchens and functionality 15:07Kids kitchen functionality 17:32The party pantry 21:08“As we’ve been doing home offices like this past year, I found it really lovely to kind of place a nearby ottoman nested underneath the desks, so that whoever the client is, they can put their feet up on there, but then the ottoman can also be used for the nearby pair of chairs, you know, that are in the corner of the room.” 19:43 Letter:

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
In this episode we have the pleasure of speaking with home organization guru, Sabrina Gardner, who just started a company called Salt, a customer organization company that specializes in customer acrylic drawer organizers. Sabrina has a five step process to really help people narrow down how to get started. Step 1: Go into your space and assess the space. Step 2: Assign a purpose to every drawer or cabinet. Step 3: Take everything out and start fresh. Step 4: Emotionally disconnect from everything in there and see the space with a fresh set of eyes. Get rid of clutter. Step 5: Put things back in the ideal way to utilize them in the long term and get organized. Her process and how somebody can get started 4:34Sue’s list to organize 11:03Under the kitchen sink 15:11Organizing your counter/island 20:42Dealing with surplus of inventory 24:09Maintaining organization 27:03Sabrina’s story getting started with Salt 31:39The top selling product on Salt and charity 38:27“It’s like when you guys decorate a space and how it changes it and it becomes beautiful and inviting. It’s the same thing with organization. When we organize a drawer, it becomes a joy to open. We’ve taken something frustrating and turned it into something magical.” 9:40 Letter:

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Today we have Rami Mekdachi, who is the founder of Lola James Harper, our favorite scent line here at Alice Lane. We’ve been air-freighting these scents out here to sell them for the last 3 years so we can get the best fragrances to our clients. We talk about what inspires the scents Rami makes and how he is able to create custom aromas for people based on where they reside or where they have planted their own identity. Rami explains that though your body is present in whatever location you are, your mind may not be especially these days with so many distractions that surround us, but when you get smell involved, your senses and present mind will bring your mind to be present. Creating a brand that people love to be a part of 5:18Inspiring the scent 10:07How making a scent for Alice Lane would work 17:01Gifting a scent to loved ones 21:17Lola James Harper and being present 24:03Where to buy his scents and why he doesn’t have a shop 31:25Music and directing a film 34:50Favorite scent 38:45Defining luxury 40:45“I think that’s such a good lesson for all of us in this journey because I think we’re always manifesting something, or hoping for something, or goal oriented, or whatever, but it really is about where we are right this very minute on this journey, right? Because that’s being present and I think smell makes us really present.” 25:42@ramimekdachi Letter:

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
We’ve already done an episode on drapery, but we felt like since we’ve had so many more questions on drapery recently we would go into more detail on this subject. There are different places to use different patterns and tones of saturation. We do a lot of the light linen when you’re trying to create a softness and draw less attention to those windows, kind of like nice background music. Every time we’ve done a pattern, it matches the personality of the people that live there and they love it because it just feels so them. People typically think if they have shutters, then they don’t need drapes, but shutters typically just block out light and the view, whereas drapes typically hang out on the sides to provide aesthetics. The best way to add drapery around an old school sliding glass patio door 3:24When do I use pattern on drapes? 7:54How often do I change my drapes? 13:54Budget 16:02How to do drapery on an arched window 20:13Are there rooms to cut costs in? 25:13“Mine are kind of a neutral field of off white, and then they have black brushstroke faces, outlines of faces on them. They feel kind of Roman, like Roman faces and the hair is just wiggly lines and it’s really a loose interpretation, and it makes the space feel very, sort of modern, which I love and gives it this personality and I feel like I have artwork for drapes.” 9:42 Letter:

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
We are talking about one of Sue’s favorite topics today: How to add charm to your home. Lighting often is something that everyone can improve even if you’ve been in your home for a while. Boob lights are a great way to fill your room with light, but aren’t the most charming piece of lighting. We love sconces and Sue suggests just taking the cover off the ugly lights as this can look better than what your house comes with. When placing furniture, don’t just push them up against the wall, but try to mix it up. Go grab yourself an architectural digest and study the space planning because this will really add charm to your space. A lot of your walls are made of drywall, and then you add a texture to it, but you don’t want to add a lot of texture. We’re big fans of wall paper, which can add a lot of charm to your spaces. If you’re in an older home and you don’t want to re-lay all the flooring, you can buy rad rugs, which can make a big difference and really pull the room together. Lighting 3:41Kelvin levels 12:47Space planning 14:09Architectural accents 19:28Walls 21:54Hang art 30:22Flooring 32:48Layering 37:37“When we’re in these little spaces I think there’s a real safety to them, and that is going to be the definition of a charming space. Like really dial those in, you know? The window seats can be full of down feathers and can be a small pattern, and you can have jumbo wells, or it can be like a French mattress type of a construction. Even a French ticking is darling with mismatched pillows, and all of those things are going to give you that feeling of charm.” Letter:

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Today we wanted to introduce our Home Furnishing Design Team, which we developed specifically for those people that live in a home and just need furniture. Often we will present the client with about 2 options and they’ll ask why we’re only presenting two, but we go through a whole process of looking at multiple options, and then narrowing them down until we have 2 that are curated for their unique style. We only work one room at a time as this will ensure everything will be planned and completed correctly and of the highest quality, whereas if we’re focusing on more than one space at a time, things can get mixed up or mistakes can be made. Some people worry that their choices will go out of style, but if you love it and it is totally and completely you, even if it doesn’t quite go with current trends, it’ll never go out of style. Team introductions 1:35What sparked creating the home furnishings design team 3:32What brings clients to call this team 5:57Narrowing down the right options 14:00Timeline 15:35One space at a time 18:55Example of custom pieces 24:33How to go about this process 29:23Helping clients all over virtually 36:01What is your why? 39:55Staying inspired 43:00How to access our services 46:40“This is a team of designers that just work specifically on furnishing your home. They do wall coverings, they’ll do custom draperies, they will talk you through hanging your chandelier. I mean, it’s really full service.” 1:20 Letter:

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Last year in May we had a fun episode where we answered a lot of questions from our listeners, which seemed to gain a lot of interest, so we wanted to do the same thing today. We talk about our dress styles, Jess’s preference being something without a repeating pattern, whereas Sue prefers the pattern, like walking art. We talk about finding our divine callings in interior design and how we got to where we are, and then funny trends we used to adopt that we can’t stand now. Start of questions: Where do you shop for professional dresses? 1:20Skin care routine 4:37Hats 13:51Favorite space in your home? 15:27How did you know interior design was your divine calling? 18:38Any trends you regret? 23:32Favorite design trend right now 26:45Design trend or pet peeve you can’t stand 29:04Celebrity dream client 31:15Designing our own products and pieces 33:46Favorite piece we’ve ever designed 35:24Most anticipated upcoming piece 36:52“I love that right now that anything goes. Do you know what I mean? If it’s your style, we can make it beautiful and I love that design trend because that’s one of the most, in my head, when people are like, ‘So what’s trending?’ When people ask me that, I’m just like, ‘It’s whatever you love.’” 26:50 Letter: