Dear Alice | Interior Design
Dear Alice is an Interior Design podcast brought to you by Jessica Bennett and Suzanne Hall, the spunky geniuses behind Alice Lane Interior Design. These two ladies break down the highest end of the design and interior fashion world through their beautiful lifestyle approach with a heaping dose of wit and taste.

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
We get asked this question again and again across all our platforms, so today we decided to give the people what they want and talk about how we do gallery walls. It’s a visual game of Tetris and memory collecting, and we talk about where to do it because you don’t want a gallery wall in your entry. For gallery walls, you want to have somewhat of a theme where you don’t want to have a picture of George Washington, and then your family right next to it. You can put textiles on the walls, such as a nice scarf from your travels to give it texture, and then for music artists, putting vinyl records or instruments is great. Tried and true tips on hanging art on walls 1:48Is there a rule for mixing and matching in a gallery wall? 7:17How to put it together 16:17Favorite gallery wall items 21:42Common mistakes 28:14Spacing and dimensions 32:36“Make sure you have a level, but then also look at when you’re hanging a piece of art because not always is your ceiling, or whatever comparable line you’re looking at your art next to, not always is that gonna be straight. Your eye is gonna be your biggest truth finder.” 3:37 Letter:

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
In this episode we’re talking about our favorite TV and movie sets that are pop culture, and somehow they influence the decisions we make for purchasing. Certain trends that bubble up, whether it be for the home or fashion, or for the way somebody tucks their shirt in, or flips their hair, or whatever else, we are all influenced in some way. There’s an undercurrent going on, sometimes it’s stronger than others, and depending on where we are in the world, we see certain things bubble up that are maybe unnaturally trending because of pop culture, which is so influential. We want to talk about where things come from and have a lot of movies we want to discuss and the things that have come from there and influenced a lot of our clientele. Nancy Meyers 6:48Father of the Bride 11:28The white kitchen 17:54Home Again 22:21The Royal Tenenbaums 28:10Knives Out 31:05The Holiday 34:30“One thing that I really love about it is I love wood, all the finish work in it is wood, it’s dark. I feel like it represents the movie really well because it just sets this very mysterious, very gloomy looking feeling. It just sets the vibe.” “You don’t know who to trust in Knives Out.” “Yeah, ornate finish work, an old person who’s lived a full life, collected a lot of things, tons of books, some art work, and taxidermy. You can almost smell the house from just looking at it.” 31:06 Letter:

Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Today we’re talking about those things that can be a splurge and don’t have to be, but they just make us so happy. They make life easier and more beautiful. Sue loves linen sheets as they look nice and breathe super well, improving one’s sleep, and we can agree that a good pillow, like the brand called Coop, can go a long way in terms of luxury and comfort. Getting alluring aromas is a pleasure we love to indulge because it’s great to get compliments on how you or your house smells. The bathroom setup is often key to defining luxury in your home where you can have a place to bathe in comfort, and then you want an area that provides you with all the possibilities and necessities in getting ready for the day.Some of Sue’s favorite guilty pleasures 2:18Pillows 4:07Towel warmer and scents 7:07Baths and luffas 13:34Hair and bathroom products 15:09A gorgeous product for the closet 20:17The kitchen 23:15Slippers 26:16Entry dish 29:36Hand knotted rugs, sofa throw, and original art 31:28“I have 2 vanities for my husband and I, both in corners of the bathroom, and then in the middle is a seated area where I can sit and do my makeup in front of a window, and there’s just something about natural light. I can see if I need to pluck my eyebrows, I can see when I need to draw on my eyeliner, if my foundation is right. It just tells the truth, where I feel like you just can’t get it if you’re getting ready in a hotel bathroom and there’s no window in there. So I think a window in a bathroom where you can sit down and get ready is a total luxury.” 19:45 Letter:

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Today we’ve got indoor plant and tree expert Brock Saucier with Northland Design and Landscape Architecture. They do land planning, we use them a lot in our projects, and Brock is kind of a unicorn because he has a background in interiors and landscape, so he’s the perfect one to whom we can really ask these questions. A great trending plant right now is cactus, which are low maintenance and you can even find some like euphorbias, which are actually poinsettias, but they do well in lower light. If you feel your home is over-decorated, a great way to help your eye “rest” from the extra decor is by adding plants. What’s trending right now 1:21What is the source for larger trees? Trees for low light? 5:20What plants are best for the kitchen vs living room vs dining room 10:28What type of olive tree to use 14:26Fertilizers 17:40Plants, pets, and babies 20:23Plants for lazy people 26:38How to get the Fiddly Fig to branch out instead of straight up 27:31Height and size of tree relative to windows, placement, scale, and pot size 29:11Plants and design styles 31:18“There are a lot of palms that are great. There’s the Parlor Palm that is great for low light. I love a Fishtail Palm, I think people overlook Fishtail Palms. They’re super hearty and you can’t kill one. It’ll do great in medium light, it’ll do great in high light. They’re really, really easy to take care of.” 6:55 Letter:

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
In this episode we’re talking about how to shop online. We’ve gotten to this age where people make so many decisions and like to do it online because it’s hard to get out and do it in the real world during a pandemic, so we just want to give you a few guidelines based on our shopping experience. We shop for other people all day every day, make decisions for them in making a home, and we would like to share some of our guidelines with you when looking online. Some of this might be common sense to you while other things like dimensions and whatnot that make things look really designer, rich, and full might be new information. Shop somewhere that matches your style and scale 2:18Understanding your true North 6:23Sofas 8:04Fabrics 19:18Oils and rugs 20:38End table 28:52Lighting 29:34Getting help 32:48Rugs 34:21“I think most of the higher end furniture vendors we carry, the frames are doweled, glued, and screwed. I think a cheaper frame is gonna be stapled together. So yeah, if your son grows up to be a teenager and he’s still jumping, that puppy’s gonna come unstapled if it’s stapled.” 11:45 Letter:

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Today we talk to Allison Baddeley, the founder of La Fete Florals, an all Inclusive event production and floral design company, creating artistically designed and flawlessly executed local Utah and destination weddings and events since 2012. Greens in florals are no longer really in style, but we are now in a trend where anything goes and people have become more individualistic in what they want, so you won’t see a lot of the same style choices when going from one event to another. A lot of flowers that are used right now are from Japan, as the US doesn’t grow much during the Winter season, but Allison says you can get some of the most beautiful flower options during February-March and she says even some flowers are as big as your face. How Alison got into florals 2:41Hanging flowers from the ceiling 8:35Greenery is not in style for florals 9:57What else is in style right now? 12:17Ikebana 16:43How soon should you start thinking about flowers for an event? 21:17Making florals last longer 26:39Foraging and snipping 30:30What to plant to create a bouquet 35:53“That style of not having any greens and any filler in your flowers is a huge trend right now. Some of you might think, ‘OK, well that’s just a bunch of roses.’ No. I still want to create texture and depth, and places for that little butterfly to fly through your centerpiece, and I want to create something that’s interesting for your eye. So I think doing that, making these all flower, or all non green centerpieces has been really fun. It’s almost like painting a painting.” 10:46

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
We’ve had a lot of questions lately about hardware. Kitchen hardware, bath hardware, all the different types of hardwares and we felt like we should get an expert in here to sort of break down what makes amazing hardware, so we’ve called on our best buddy, Kirk, who is the provo showroom manager for Mountainland Design, which is a place that sells appliances, hardware, and everything for bath and kitchen. They have locations in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and they are the place to buy everything. The supply chain as of late has slowed renovations and construction down a bit, so Kirk tells us about how long it’s taking right now to receive certain items or colors (16 weeks for certain cabinet colors). How far out is hardware? 1:36Hierarchy of knobs 3:54The rule of 7 9:58Light switch hardware 12:20Mixing metals in a chic way 14:51Is brass lasting, or a trend? 18:46Mixing styles 20:42The most timeless color of hardware 23:44Weight, finish, or shape? 26:07Where to splurge 28:45Most interesting pieces Kirk’s ever used 33:02“A living finish is gonna be your bronze, and they’ll go through a patina process to get the different colors. You’ll have your base metals in all these lines, but then you’ll have the patinas, which make them darker, like Rocky Mountain’s brushes and things, but when you’re talking living finish, you’re signing up for something that’s gonna get more beautiful with age. As you touch it, fill it, use it, it’s going to patina and change, and that’s the beauty of it.” 11:46 Letter:

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
We’ve had a lot of listeners write in and they have a lot of questions about creating the ideal nursery. The nursery space is such a precious area and we’ve done a lot of them, so we’re excited to share what we know with you. We recommend white draperies if you’re planning on having more kids, as choosing a specific color, like pink for example, can give it more of a girl’s room feel. Having a diffuser for the nursery and having a night lamp can give the nursery a nice atmosphere to make that experience of getting up in the night to tend to your baby a bit more bearable. Try putting a sheep skin at the foot of the crib so you have something nice for your bare feet to stand on. How to design a nursery that looks designed, but has a child/baby element 2:08Draperies and how to decide what to spend/save on 4:27Creating a nursery in a small space, but still loving it 9:46Make a nursery feel special for working mom and stay-at-home mom 13:31Nursery must-haves - “Seating for mom, obviously, a little lamp. So lighting, something kind of small with a 3 way switch so you can do the dimmest one” “Have things on dimmers, it’ll be easier in the middle of the night for sure… just have a great chandelier too, like a great light is really great for the kid, again, now and when it’ll get older, by putting a special light up top.” 18:22Books for baby 19:04 Letter:

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Today we wanted to talk about color and the psychology behind it, because there’s a lot more that goes into color than most people might think. People’s tastes in color can vary widely from one another and people can have different reactions to colors such as yellow where it might make them more energized and therefore you wouldn’t want to paint a room where people sleep in that color, as opposed to a pale pink color that might calm someone down. If you were to put complementary colors together, they would look like a sports jersey for example because they often combine opposite colors. Some people may see color better or worse than others, and that can be why color preferences vary so much between different people, like a husband and wife for example. Referencing and using the color wheel in design 2:30The psychology of color 5:41Picking color last 10:35Complementary colors versus analogous colors 13:03Men and women often perceive color differently 19:13Color combinations that are moody and great for walls 23:48Adding color to a neutral room and what goes well with plants 26:23“Complementary, I think we’re all familiar with that on the color wheel, it’s the ones that are exact opposites of each other. So red is complementary to green, blue is complementary to orange, and purple is complementary to yellow. Oftentimes we don’t apply that in a very primary situation, but as you go to those gradients, more secondary, if you want to feel real contrast from a space to another space, or in a material in that space that you’re painting green.” 13:20 Letter:

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
We’re talking with Ashley Willis who is the brand manager at Malouf, a bedding company that we’ve been selling at Alice Lane Home for the last 5-7 years. We talk about thread count in sheets and the factors that go into having a high quality bed sheet, such as the high quality materials used like tensile, which helps regulate your body temperature as you sleep. Understanding your sleep preferences is necessary in experiencing the best sleep you can because not everyone has the same taste in bed sheets. Linen is durable, lasts a long time, and their linen is something that gets softer over time, the more it gets washed and is a favorite of many. They have various different types of pillows and Ashley talks about the various kinds and why they’re nice and how you can use each unique one for your comfort. How Malouf got started and what’s special about what they do 1:38Thread count 5:48Are there sheets for equalizing between two different body temperatures? 8:15Getting that magazine look for your bedding 10:37Must haves for your bedding 13:02Different types of fills 15:24Linen bedding or just sheeting? 16:25Pillows, dos and don’ts 17:52What people don’t think about 22:36Top selling sheet, fills, and pillow 24:48“I think that sheets definitely serve utilitarian purpose in the sense that it’s the fabric that’s directly against your skin when you’re going to bed, but it also has a look to it, and so if you’re trying to bring in a very specific look to your bedroom, whether you want something that’s maybe warmer colors or cooler colors, also understanding what that looks like and how that plays in to the rest of your color palette for your space I think is really important as well.” 13:50@maloufhome Letter: