Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Inspiring Women through The Ages
In this episode we’re celebrating international women’s day. There's a lot in history that women have done and trails that have been blazed that are cause for where you’re at right now. We have the opportunity to go to school, work, and express ourselves, which is a huge privilege, and it’s a good exercise for anybody to think about the women in your own life that have inspired you and just be super grateful for what they’ve done. Join us today as we discuss these amazing women and their accomplishments.
- The first international Women’s Day 4:32
- Viola Davis 6:24
- Oprah Winfrey 12:22
- Anne Frank 19:53
- Carol Kaye 23:15
- Mother Teresa 26:00
- Martha Stewart 28:30
- Anna Wintour 31:30
- Julia Childs 35:25
- Beyoncé 37:52
- Michelle Obama 39:05
- Mindy Kaling 41:00
- Elsie de Wolfe 47:15
–News Letter: